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New Family - May '08 |
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Happy 2 Weeks, Boys
Not only a congratulations, but also a felicitous description of their time here with us. We're happy, tired, and we're feeling blessed. These tiny dynamos get funner and funnier to hang out with each day.
In case the photos don't show it, we've seen a phenomenon that fascinates us at least - both Julie and I each have a mini-Me!
Serious. Little John has many physical features similar to his mom, from the set of his eyes and nose to his curved pinkie finger to his feet to his glass-shattering soprano voice. He doesn't just cry - he belts out protests that have us plugging our ears and begging for forgiveness ("I'm so sorry, I'll cinch the diaper looser next time!"). And he's a voracious eater - he came out smaller than his brother but has since passed him in weight.
Luke's not so lucky, on the other hand...he's a spitting image of his dad. Just kidding about the first part - this is one beautiful baby whose trembly infant mews are heart-melting. Luke has the face of a future linebacker, funny long fingers, and feet just like Pete's. He's not about to let his brother get bigger or louder than him so he's working hard these days.
So amidst the every-2-hour haze we're enjoying the gas smiles that have just broken out. Our heartfelt thanks again to everyone for your love and prayers, meals and messages, and for rooting for the little guys.
In case the photos don't show it, we've seen a phenomenon that fascinates us at least - both Julie and I each have a mini-Me!
Serious. Little John has many physical features similar to his mom, from the set of his eyes and nose to his curved pinkie finger to his feet to his glass-shattering soprano voice. He doesn't just cry - he belts out protests that have us plugging our ears and begging for forgiveness ("I'm so sorry, I'll cinch the diaper looser next time!"). And he's a voracious eater - he came out smaller than his brother but has since passed him in weight.
Luke's not so lucky, on the other hand...he's a spitting image of his dad. Just kidding about the first part - this is one beautiful baby whose trembly infant mews are heart-melting. Luke has the face of a future linebacker, funny long fingers, and feet just like Pete's. He's not about to let his brother get bigger or louder than him so he's working hard these days.
So amidst the every-2-hour haze we're enjoying the gas smiles that have just broken out. Our heartfelt thanks again to everyone for your love and prayers, meals and messages, and for rooting for the little guys.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
They're Home
To see more photos of Luke and John, visit our Picasa web album.
DAD'S LOG 5/8/08
It's 2 am and we've just wrapped up a feeding. It's our second night at home after five nights at the hospital. John is insatiable and will eat 24/7 till he spits up if we let him. Luke is more mellow on the eating, but boy he's had some blowouts (other end) tonight. It's a circus and we just want to eat these little biscuits up.
So I thought I'd try to get some thoughts down. This first log will cover the events of May Day.
We had scheduled the C-section to be on Monday 5/5. But on Thursday 5/1, a routine fetal heartbeat test showed some erratic results for Baby A (John), so the OB told Julie she needed to go to the hospital for more tests ASAP, and oh by the way, you might want to pack your bags. So Julie called me away from work and off we went, glad we'd pre-packed the getaway car the prior night.
Upon seeing the test results at the hospital, the doctors informed us the C-section was to happen that very night. Ok then! Not a big problem since Julie had mostly, thankfully gotten over her cold and the kids were considered full-term by then at 38 weeks. Although there were as always more little things we could do to prepare the nest at home, we were pretty much ready to go for it.
So at about 7:30pm Julie was rolled (on a gurney, that is) into the delivery room. The doctors put up a curtain between her abdomen and head and gave me a chair next to her, so I could hold her hand as she endured the nausea and shakes from the anesthesia. She was so incredibly tough and poised. Instead of staying seated (on Julie's side of the curtain) I stood up a few times to watch the procedure - which worried the doctors ("It's fine if you watch, but most husbands sit down...are you okay?") more than it did me. Pretty soon, out came Baby A - a funny looking little man with a scrunched up face. Baby B glided out right after and immediately the doctor held him over the curtain, peek-a-boo style, for an exhausted/relieved Julie to see. I thought it was hilarious.
I kissed Julie and gasped my congratulations-they're-beautiful-you're-beautiful-I-love-you-I'm-going-to-check-on-the boys and jumped over to the baby tables. Baby A was blue and two nurses hovered over him with concerned glances backward - and I must say that was one of the most dramatic moments of my life. I'm not sure of the details but I think I burst in on the trio and grabbed my boy. I was terrified. The nurse put an oxygen mask on his face and I held him close, looking into his open eyes and praying, come on kid/please Heavenly Father let him live...his body was blue but his eyes were alert and seemed to lock onto mine. Finally he began to breathe and his entire body became a healthy rose color.
I know this may well be a common occurrence in the delivery room, but I will never ever forget it. The hugeness of my love for this little soul, the desperation of my pleadings for his life, and the depth of my gratitude to God for this miracle are still overwhelming to me.
And if that weren't enough, I then looked over to see another babe, this one a perfect little cherub, gazing peacefully at the nurse who was swaddling him.
My cup overfloweth.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
The Miracle Men Arrive!
Baby A = John | Baby B = Luke

Born Thursday, May 1, 2008
John Christian
5 lbs, 4.5 oz / 17 in
Luke Christian
5 lbs, 6.8 oz / 17.5 in

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