Luke left, John right
Some people have asked how we identify who's who, which clothes belong to whom, etc. Julie does a great job keeping them looking sharp, but we don't have a system like Mom's clever solution for Pete and Dave. No assigned colors, car seats, or blankets; only recently have we kept track of which binky goes with which kid (gasp!). It's dang cute when they're in similar or matching clothes, though.
Getting smiles and laughter on up close on film is tough - the second we pull a camera out, they zero in on the lense and just stare. I've even tried camouflage. Maybe we'll install a one-way mirror somewhere.
Luke and John get along well. This week, Julie entered their room to soothe Luke and found John with his hand on Luke's shoulder, steadily looking him in the eyes.
Luke, JohnLuke caught a sore throat and completely lost his voice. Talk about heart-breaking. He'd be wailing, tears bursting and limbs flailing, with no sound. Every now and then, little squeaks would come out so pitifully, we'd rend our clothes. But he's getting better now, good nature intact.
LukeWhile they're still little and not at all tough to handle, they're beginning to grab things, put everything in the mouth, climb up people and pull chunks of Mom's hair out. They even started eating some rice cereal yesterday.
And who turned on the drool switch?