Monday, April 28, 2008

...And another new due date

Julie just returned from the Dr's office we thought might happen...D-day will be delayed. The requisite C-section delivery is now scheduled to occur not tomorrow, but on Monday, May 5. **

The reason: Julie's been clobbered by a cold, and although it seems to have peaked, it's had her feeling pretty miserable with coughing/sniffling/sneezing/heat-chills. Not a good way to go into birthing or surgery if we have any say in the matter. In addition, Miriam and I have joined in the fun. So May 5 was the next available procedure date, barring labor. A few more days to rest up before the fun!

** Any of you like me and wondered what the heck Cinco de Mayo is really about? Per Wikipedia:
It is primarily a regional (not national) holiday celebrated in the state of Puebla and virtually ignored elsewhere in Mexico. The date is observed in the US (esp. California) and other locations around the world as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride. For the most part the celebrations combine food, music and dancing.

A common misconception in the United States is that Cinco de Mayo is Mexico's Independence Day; Mexico's Independence Day is actually September 16 (yo Mom!!!), which is the most important national patriotic holiday in Mexico. Cinco de Mayo commemorates an initial victory of Mexican forces led by General Ignacio Zaragoza SeguĂ­n over French forces in the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862.

Of course, as you might expect we've thrown Ignacio and Zaragozo into the finalist hat for the boys' names.

***UPDATE: By now you've seen that our boys were born on May Day...that's good, we didn't really want our boys to associate their birthday with Corona Cerveja ads anyway. pc

1 comment:

Jen Mo said...

Good luck Jules! We're praying for you!!!!!!!