We had our two month appointment a couple of weeks early - the boys got immunization shots and boy were they brave.
Here are the latest measurements - basically they're both 20.5 inches long and weigh exactly 8 lbs 12 oz.
Smiles are starting to appear and man are we happy fools when they come.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?! Those boys have changed a TON!!! I almost can't tell who is who (their little faces have filled out so much)
L:John R:Luke RIGHT???
I miss those lil guys - GO BOYS for gaining almost 2 MORE pounds :)
-love the Favorite Aunt
Fav - U R correct - they miss U 2!
They are huge! No longer little old men, they have now entered babydom - cute, chubby, cherub, gerber babydom. They are adorable. The looks on their faces slays me - such steadiness and innocence. I love babies! I love those two and can't wait to seem them.
Wow thems some cute boys! They have changed soooo much from those first pictures. They look much bigger than our little guy right now even though the stats don't seem much different!
And I also think they really do look a lot alike. Cute!!!!!!!
WOW! They are growing up too fast! Yikes! They're looking forward to football, already, I can tell!
Grandma Taffy
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