Dad, Mom, and Squirmers headed out to our first 4th of July picnic. L - J

Recognize this? Grandma Taffy found these baby blessing outfits worn by Pete and Dave. Luke and John will use these little suits in a couple of weeks - if they still fit.
J - L

We're pleased with our sons' progress in Tai-Chi.
L - J
Those two little GRAND babies are the cutest things since sliced bread!! How could they possibly get any cuter?? I can hardly wait to see them in person. Oh! I am so grateful for blogs and clever parents who know how to use them!!
Only one problem... you know who is who, but we don't!! Please label whenever possible. I guess and speculate... but don't know for sure! Help!!
love, Grandma Carlston
Okay, so the Tai Chi comment made me guffaw out loud. Nice. :)
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